When we can't be in the water we LOVE watching and reading about diving. Check out some of the movies and books we think you might enjoy! We'd also love to hear about any that you think WE should know about!

A documentary by Rob Stewart that delves into the shark industry. As a shark lover, this movie hit close to home and made me want to get in the water as soon as possible with them.

Chasing Coral
This documentary is all about coral and coral bleaching. It will pull at your heartstrings and inspire you to help create positive change.

This adventure movie is full of diving excitement. While it may not be totally accurate, it’s all about scuba diving action.

A Plastic Ocean
This documentary explores the global plastic pollution crisis and its impact on oceans.

Fool's Gold
This movie has scuba, treasure hunting, and comedy with Kate Hudson and Matt McConaughey.

Sonic Sea
This documentary highlights sound pollution in the ocean, keeping viewers engaged and informed.

Deep Descent
A thrilling story of diving the Andrea Doria, a famous shipwreck off the coast of Massachusetts.

Into the Planet
A novel detailing the accomplishments of cave diving pioneer Jill Heinerth.

Scuba Confidential
This book offers tips and insights for divers of all levels.

The Last Dive
A father-son diving duo's tragic tale, a must-read for wreck and cave divers.

Pirate Hunters
An adventure novel based on a true story, following a hunt for the pirate ship, The Golden Fleece.

Shadow Divers
This book follows the discovery of a German U-boat off the New Jersey coast, full of mystery and adventure.