Become a dive professional with this course and take your diving to a whole new level.
Availability: Contact us for booking information
Dive Master
The PADI Divemaster course teaches you to be a leader and take charge of dive activities. Through knowledge development sessions, waterskills exercises and workshops, and hands-on practical assessment, you develop the skills to organize and direct a variety of scuba diving activities. Topics and practical workshops include:
The role and characteristics of the PADI Divemaster
Supervising dive activities and assisting with student divers
Diver safety and risk management
Divemaster conducted programs and specialized skills
Business of diving and your career
Awareness of the dive environment
Dive setup and management
Mapping an open water site
Conducting dive briefings
Organizing a search and recovery project and a deep dive
Conducting a scuba review and skin diver course
Assisting with Discover Scuba Diving and leading Discover Local Diving programs
This is a year long course. We start each session with a NO OBLIGATION intro class where you come in, learn the full details of what this class involves and can make a decision then on if you would like to take it.
Date of Intro Night:
Thursday November 7th, 6:00pm - 9:00pm
-Open, Advanced, and Rescue Diver
-40 logged dives to start, 60 to finish